How College Graduates Can Benefit from Life Insurance

Graduating from college is a major milestone in a person’s life. As a graduate, you’ll face many challenges and make major decisions that will impact your future. One of those decisions is whether or not to obtain life insurance. There are numerous reasons to consider life coverage at this stage of your life. If you live in or around Willoughby, OH, we invite you to visit The Merhar Agency LLC to discuss how life insurance can benefit you.

Benefits of Life Insurance for College Graduates

One reason to consider life insurance after college graduation is that it comes at a lower cost. You can save a substantial amount of money by purchasing your policy at a younger age. Here are a few more reasons to consider life insurance after college graduation:

Pay for Private Student Loans

If your parents or older siblings co-signed private student loans to help pay for your education, they could be held liable for those loans if you were to unexpectedly pass on. Life insurance can be used to cover this expense so your loved ones don’t have to bear this burden.

Financial Support for Children or Significant Other

It’s not uncommon for college students to be married or have a family, especially those that are completing a Master’s or Doctoral program. If you have a spouse or children, life insurance offers a means of providing for your loved ones in the event of your sudden demise.

Pay for Home Mortgage

If you own a home, life insurance can be used to pay off your mortgage after you’re gone to make it easier for your loved ones to carry on.  

Where to Obtain Life Insurance

To learn more about the benefits of life insurance after college graduation, contact The Merhar Agency LLC in Willoughby, OH. We are happy to help. 

Why you need renter’s insurance if you live in an apartment.

Renter’s insurance is a wonderful tool for renting or leasing their living quarters. This insurance coverage provides a blanket of protection from liability and loss. If you would like to learn more about renter’s insurance, you can count on the professionals at The Merhar Agency LLC to provide the residents of WIlloughby, OH with reliable insurance products. 

Renter’s Insurance

If you rent an apartment or a house, you may be at risk for losses related to liability claims. When you have a renter’s insurance policy in place, you reduce your instance of liability and protect yourself from a wide range of risks. If you want to get great coverage for your rented home, you can rely on our team of professional agents to give you the support you need to be securely covered. 

We help you understand the need for renter’s insurance and how it can benefit you in your situation. Once we determine your current needs range, we suggest policy options that match your needs. We take the time to explain the terms and conditions of the policy so you can be informed. We also assist you with document submission to secure your policy immediately. If there are any changes to the policy or claims, we will also assist you in expediting the process. 

Reach Out Today

If you would like to learn more about renter’s insurance, we encourage you to stop by the office or call us. One of our helpful agents from The Merhar Agency LLC will be happy to assist you. We take pride in helping the residents of Willoughby, OH get the insurance that provides security. 

Insuring Your Ohio RV: What You Need to Know

Traveling in your recreational vehicle (RV) can be an exciting adventure, providing an opportunity to explore the open road and make memories. However, as an RV owner in Ohio, it’s essential to ensure you have adequate insurance coverage to protect yourself, your vehicle, and your belongings. The Merhar Agency LLC in Willoughby, OH is here to help you understand the ins and outs of RV insurance.

About RV Insurance

First and foremost, insuring your RV in Ohio is mandatory, just like any other vehicle on the road. However, RV insurance differs from standard auto insurance in several ways. Since your RV functions as both a vehicle and a living space, you’ll need coverage that encompasses both aspects. At The Merhar Agency LLC serving Willoughby, OH, our knowledgeable agents can guide you in selecting the appropriate coverage for your unique needs.

There are different types of RV insurance policies available, depending on your vehicle type and usage. For instance, if you own a motorhome, you may require a specialized policy that offers coverage for the vehicle itself, as well as personal property and liability protection. If you have a travel trailer, you’ll need insurance to cover any damages to the trailer, along with liability coverage for potential injuries or property damage.

Additionally, you should consider adding comprehensive and collision coverage, which protects your RV in the event of theft, vandalism, or damage due to an accident. We can help you evaluate your specific needs and tailor a policy that suits your lifestyle.

Another important aspect of RV insurance is understanding the difference between full-time and part-time coverage. Full-time coverage is designed for those who live in their RVs year-round or for an extended period, while part-time coverage is for occasional or seasonal use. Be sure to discuss your situation with our agents to determine the appropriate level of coverage.

Reach Out To Us

Insuring your Ohio RV is crucial for your safety and financial well-being. We are committed to helping you navigate the complexities of RV insurance and ensuring you have the right coverage for your needs. 

Navigating the Waters of Boat Insurance: Tips and Tricks

Buying boat insurance can be complicated and confusing. At The Merhar Agency LLC, we understand the unique needs of our customers in Willoughby, OH, so we have put together some tips and tricks to help you find the best boat insurance plan for your needs.

Boat Insurance: Tips and Tricks

1. Understand Your Coverage Options

The first step is to determine what type of coverage you need. Comprehensive coverage will provide protection from damage caused by fire, theft, vandalism, and other accidents, such as collisions with other boats or objects. Liability coverage is also essential; this protects you in the event that someone else is injured on your boat or if their property is damaged due to an accident involving your boat.

2. Consider Your Boating Habits

When shopping for boat insurance, consider how often you use your boat. If you plan on taking long trips or have guests aboard your vessel, you might need to look into additional coverage, such as medical payments and guest protection coverage.

For example, if you plan to take your boat out in the winter, it is vital to ensure that your policy includes cold-weather protection. Additionally, you should consider any activities you will be engaging in while boating; some policies may not cover certain activities, such as water skiing or fishing tournaments.

3. Work with an Experienced Agent

Shopping for boat insurance can be overwhelming. Working with an experienced agent will help you find a plan that is tailored to your specific needs. At The Merhar Agency LLC, we understand the unique needs of Willoughby, OH boaters, so you can trust that we’ll have you covered when it comes to boat insurance.

Reach Out To Us

With our expertise and guidance, you can feel confident that you’ll be adequately protected on the water. Contact us today for more information about finding the right boat insurance plan for your unique needs.

Umbrella Insurance Basics for Ohio Homeowners

Are you an Ohio resident seeking to boost your homeowner’s insurance coverage? The umbrella insurance experts at the Merhar Agency LLC in Willoughby, OH can help!

Do I Need Umbrella Insurance if I Have Home Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is an extra layer of protection that can help if you are sued or liable for damages. If you have homeowner’s insurance, it likely only covers some of it, and umbrella insurance can help fill in the gaps.

What Happens If I Am Sued Without Insurance?

If you are sued and don’t have umbrella insurance, you will be responsible for any damages awarded to the plaintiff up to the limit of your homeowner’s policy. This could mean selling your home or other assets to pay off the judgment.

Umbrella insurance can help protect you from this type of financial ruin.

Do I Need Umbrella Insurance In Ohio?

The need for umbrella insurance depends on many factors, including the amount of coverage you already have and risk tolerance. If you feel that you may be sued or held liable for damages in the future, umbrella insurance can provide an extra layer of protection. Covered policyholders say it is worth the peace of mind it provides.

Can I Get Umbrella Insurance Through My Homeowner’s Policy?

Umbrella insurance is an extra layer of protection that can help if you are sued or liable for damages. If you have a homeowner’s insurance policy, your insurer may offer umbrella insurance as an add-on. 

Give Us A Call

Make sure to compare quotes and contact the Merhar Agency LLC when making a decision! We proudly serve the greater Willoughby, OH region.

Why Doesn’t Homeowners Policy Cover Flooding?

It’s a common misconception that flooding will be covered under your standard home insurance policy, however, this is not the case. Flood hazards will require a separate dedicated policy, and our agents at The Merhar Agency LLC can assist you in weighing your options. 

Why You Need Flood Insurance

There are water damage events that homeowners’ policy will cover, but these are from causes like leaky roofs impacted by excessive snow or a burst pipe. Flooding, however, is generally defined as a situation where water touches the ground before it enters your home. This can be from wet weather streams, a flash flood, or a river or creek overspilling its banks. 

Put simply, the outlay from floods is too costly for homeowners’ indemnifications to collectively cover. A single hurricane, for example, can wipe out entire communities, and the damage is often catastrophic. 

Homeowners’ premiums need to remain affordable as insurance companies are able to stay in business, and there needs to be a margin of profit between overhead expenses and the influx of customers. In 1968, after several crippling flood disasters, the federal government created the National Flood Insurance Program, instituted to handle flood insurance claims. 

FEMA estimates that the average flood claim is $52,000, and while flood insurance is not required in the Willoughby, OH region, it is invaluable for people whose homes are situated in low-lying areas. Your lender will usually require flood insurance while there is an outstanding balance on your home if you live in a flood plain. 

The Merhar Agency LLC Can Help You

We specialize in providing insurance products and services to meet a broad array of life situations and events. Speak to us today about scheduling an in-person appointment to discuss the particulars of your situation. We serve clients living in and around Willoughby, OH. 

Motorcycle safety tips

The Merhar Agency LLC, serving the greater Willoughby, OH community, is happy to assist with all your motorcycle insurance needs and related queries. Motorcycle safety is important for all riders, regardless of experience. 

Following these simple tips can help ensure your safety while riding a motorcycle.

Everyone should take the following steps to stay safe while riding:

One of the most important things to remember is to always wear a helmet

A good helmet can protect you from serious injury in the event of an accident. It’s also important to make sure your bike is in good working order before you ride it and to know how to use the brakes and throttle properly.

Another key factor in motorcycle safety is staying aware of your surroundings at all times

Be especially careful when making turns, and always watch out for other vehicles on the road. Riding with a group can also be helpful, as it allows you to keep an eye on each other and avoid accidents.

Regardless of your experience level, staying attentive and following traffic rules are keys to avoiding serious injury

For more information on motorcycle safety, talk to an experienced rider or contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles.

Overall, the most important thing when it comes to motorcycle safety is to stay alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. By following these basic tips, you can help ensure that you stay safe while riding your bike. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, safety should always be your top priority when on the road.

Get Motorcycle Insurance Today

If you would like some more motorcycle safety tips or have any questions about insuring your motorcycle, give The Merhar Agency LLC a call today. We are proud to serve the Willoughby, OH area.

Four important considerations when you purchase boat insurance

Boat insurance is important if you own any type of watercraft. The Merhar Agency LLC is an insurance agency offering boat insurance. If you own a boat and you’re a consumer in the Willoughby, OH area, you can consult us regarding the boat insurance coverage options we make available.

Here are four important considerations to take into account when you purchase boat insurance:

The waters in which you’ll be navigating

One of the most important things boat owners need to know about insurance coverage is that coverage is typically limited to particular navigation territories.

When you purchase boat insurance, you should specify to insurance providers what areas you’ll want to be using your watercraft to make sure that your boat will be covered whenever you use it. 

The value of the watercraft that’s being insured

When it comes to collision coverage for your boat insurance policy, you should purchase enough coverage to cover the full value of your watercraft. 

The times of the year in which the boat is used

Many boat owners only use their watercraft during certain months of the year. If you keep your boat in storage throughout much of the year, you should discuss this with your boat insurance provider. You may be able to pause coverage or enjoy reduced premiums for the months of the year when your boat is in storage. 

The types of coverage to include

Types of boat insurance coverage include collision, liability, fuel spill, and wreckage removal coverage. You need to decide which types of coverage you want your policy to include. 

Contact Us Today

Let us assist you with meeting your boat insurance needs in Willoughby, OH. We can provide you with a quote on a boat insurance policy if you get in touch with us at The Mrehar Agency LLC. 

How do I calculate how much umbrella coverage I need?

If you live in the greater Willoughby, OH area, then you know that umbrella coverage is very important. After all, we get a lot of rainfall here! But how do you know how much umbrella coverage you need? Keep reading to find out how The Merhar Agency LLC recommends calculating the amount of umbrella coverage you need.

How To Calculate Umbrella Coverage?

Find Your Net Worth

To calculate how much umbrella coverage you need, you need to determine how much coverage you need to protect your assets. To do this, you need to calculate how much your personal assets are worth. Then subtract any debt you hold against the assets. Now you know your net worth. The purpose of umbrella insurance is to protect your net worth if your other insurance policies do not cover any claims against you.


You have $300,000 worth of assets and you are sued for $500,000. Your homeowner’s insurance will cover $300,000 of the lawsuit, leaving you with $200,000 in uncovered expenses. If you have a $1 million umbrella policy, then your insurer will pay the remaining $200,000, leaving you with no out-of-pocket expenses.

Now let’s say that the same scenario happened, but this time your homeowner’s insurance only covers $250,000 of the lawsuit. This would leave you with $250,000 in uncovered expenses. However, since your umbrella policy has a limit of $1 million, your insurer would still pay the remaining $250,000, leaving you with no out-of-pocket expenses.

Contact Us Today

As you can see from the examples above, it is very important to have umbrella coverage if you own property in Willoughby, OH. If you have questions, call The Merhar Agency LLC. We are here to help.

Why should someone get flood insurance in Ohio?

Being a property owner can be a great idea if you are in the Willoughby, OH area. When you are going to purchase a home in this region, you will want to evaluate your insurance needs. A type of coverage that people here need to get is flood insurance coverage.

This can offer various advantages and forms of coverage:

Cover their Home

A great reason that someone should get flood insurance is so they can cover their home. If you are going to invest in a home in this part of the state, you will want to know that you are covered by insurance. A flood insurance plan will provide you with coverage in the event your home is damaged by a flood. As a standard home insurance plan may not offer much flood coverage, this is the best way to protect your home. 

Meet Standards for Insurance

It is also a good idea to get a flood insurance plan as it can help ensure you meet any standards for insurance. If you are going to take out a loan when buying your home, the lender will run a flood search on your property. If you are in a flood zone, you will be obligated to meet certain insurance standards. 

Get Flood Insurance Today

There are a lot of great reasons to invest in a flood insurance plan if you are in the Willoughby, OH area. Those that are going to get flood coverage when they are here will find that calling The Merhar Agency LLC is a good way to start the search. The professionals with The Merhar Agency LLC know how important this coverage is and they will offer any support you need to ensure you get proper coverage.